Selective Licensing – Advice From a Manchester Letting Agency

Selective Licensing – Advice From a Manchester Letting Agency

As a Manchester letting agency, we understand the importance of maintaining high standards for rental properties in our city. One way that local authorities aim to achieve this is through selective landlord licensing.

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What is selective landlord licensing?

Selective landlord licensing is a scheme that requires landlords to obtain a license for each property they let out in a designated area. This license is separate from any other licenses or registrations required for renting out a property, such as an HMO license.

The aim of selective licensing is to improve the standard of rented properties, reduce anti-social behaviour, and improve the overall quality of life for residents in the area. It also aims to address the issue of rogue landlords who exploit vulnerable tenants and fail to maintain their properties to a safe and habitable standard.

manchester letting agency

How does selective landlord licensing work in Manchester?

In Manchester, selective licensing is currently in place in certain areas of the city, including Crumpsall, Moss Side, Rusholme, and Moston. Landlords in these areas are required to obtain a license for each property they let out, which lasts for a period of five years.

To obtain a license, landlords must meet certain criteria, including providing evidence of their fitness to hold a license, completing training courses on landlord and tenant law, and ensuring that their property meets minimum safety standards.

The cost of a selective landlord license in Manchester is currently £750 per property, with discounts available for landlords who are members of accredited landlord schemes.

manchester letting agency

What are the benefits of selective landlord licensing?

Selective landlord licensing has several benefits for landlords, tenants, and the wider community. Firstly, it helps to ensure that rented properties meet minimum safety standards, such as having working smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms, and that any necessary repairs or maintenance are carried out promptly.

This benefits tenants by providing them with a safe and habitable living environment, and by protecting them from exploitation by rogue landlords. It also benefits landlords by reducing the risk of costly repairs and legal action resulting from unsafe or poorly maintained properties.

Selective licensing can also help to reduce anti-social behaviour in the community, by providing local authorities with the power to take action against landlords who allow their properties to be used for illegal activities or who fail to address complaints from neighbours about noise, littering, or other issues.

Finally, selective landlord licensing can help to improve the overall quality of life in the community by encouraging landlords to take pride in their properties and to be more responsive to the needs of their tenants and the wider community.

manchester letting agency

What are the criticisms of selective landlord licensing?

Despite the many benefits of selective landlord licensing, there are some criticisms of the scheme. One of the main criticisms is that it places an additional financial burden on landlords, particularly those who own multiple properties.

Another criticism is that it can be difficult for local authorities to enforce selective licensing, particularly if Manchester letting agency landlords are based outside of the UK or if they are reluctant to comply with the requirements of the scheme.

However, many Manchester letting agency landlords and tenants in Manchester have welcomed the introduction of selective landlord licensing, citing the benefits it has brought to their communities.

What can landlords do to ensure compliance with selective landlord licensing?

As a landlord in Manchester, there are a number of steps you can take to ensure compliance with selective landlord licensing regulations:

  1. Check if your property falls under the selective licensing scheme: Before applying for a selective landlord license, you should check if your property is located in an area that requires a license. You can check with the local council to find out if your property is affected by selective licensing.
  2. Apply for a selective landlord license: Once you have established that your property requires a license, you will need to apply for a selective landlord license. This involves completing an application form and paying a fee. The council will then carry out checks to ensure that you meet the necessary requirements for the license.
  3. Ensure that your property meets the necessary standards: To obtain a selective landlord license, you will need to ensure that your property meets certain standards. This includes ensuring that the property is safe and secure, and that any necessary repairs or maintenance work has been carried out.
  4. Keep up-to-date with licensing requirements: Once you have obtained a selective landlord license, it is important to keep up-to-date with any changes to the licensing requirements. This may include renewing your license on a regular basis or ensuring that you comply with any new regulations that are introduced.
  5. Work with a reputable Manchester letting agency: If you use letting agents to manage your properties, it is important to work with reputable agents, such as @ThePlace, who are familiar with the selective licensing regulations in Manchester. This can help to ensure that you remain compliant with the licensing requirements.
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How much are estate agent fees?

How much are estate agents near me fees?

Typically, estate agents fees can reach heights of 3.6% of the sale price and can fluctuate based on the number of agents attempting to sell your property and the quality of your initial negotiations. In the year 2022, the average fee for an estate agent stood at 1.42%. Therefore, if your property was sold for a price of £275,000, the agent's share would be £3,900. It is worth noting that @ThePlace fees are considerably cheaper than these.

Should you use more than one estate agent?

Should you use more than one estate agent?

It's typically practical to engage two estate agents near me under a joint sole agency agreement for selling a single property only if you intend to hire a nationally operating specialist agent alongside a local generalist. For instance, you might prefer a national agent specialising in high-end properties, in addition to a local agent familiar with your area. Joint agency agreements often carry higher charges, usually around 2.4% including VAT. Engaging two local agents under a joint sole agreement usually doesn't make much sense, as their market coverage will overlap, and they won't be motivated to outdo each other to close the deal. Employing two estate agents also carries the risk of one agent attempting to benefit from the efforts of the other without contributing equally.

Do I have to pay estate agent fees if I decide not to sell?

Do I have to pay estate agents near me fees if I decide not to sell?

If you decide to pull out of a sale, it's customary to face charges to cover the expenses an agent has already incurred, like advertising. Also, it's standard to pay part or all of the estate agent's commission, but only if your signed contract includes a "ready, willing and able purchaser" clause. Essentially, this clause signifies that you're obligated to pay the agent for their work in identifying a potential buyer, even if unforeseen circumstances cause you to back out of the sale.

What is the best way to sell a house UK?

What is the best way to sell a house UK?

To maximise the sale price of your property, it's recommended to collaborate with a reputable local estate agents near me. Local estate agents are well-versed in the specific characteristics and trends of your area's property market. They have in-depth knowledge about the neighbourhood, understanding what attracts buyers and can accordingly highlight these features in their marketing efforts.

A good local estate agents also has a strong network of potential buyers, which can expedite the sale process. They can provide professional advice on the right pricing strategy based on comparable sales in your area and current market conditions. Additionally, their negotiation skills and expertise can help secure the highest possible price for your property.

Are estate agents regulated?

Are estate agents regulated?

The primary regulation of estate agents is dictated by the Estate Agents Act 1979 (EAA) and the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008. Beyond this statutory regulation, since October 1, 2008, all UK-based estate agents involved in residential estate agency work must be part of an approved redress scheme. They can choose either The Property Ombudsman or the Property Redress Scheme, a requirement put forth by the Consumers, Estate Agents and Redress Act 2007.

Will estate agents lie about offers?

Will estate agents lie about offers?

As part of the regulations associated with an ombudsman, estate agents are strictly prohibited from fabricating or concocting details about any existing or non-existing offer. Additionally, it is mandatory for estate agents to promptly communicate offers to the property sellers, and this must be done in writing.

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